"Easy installation" packaging concept

Customs are changing and some families prefer to pay their last homage at a private ceremony or in a symbolic place. TRADITIUM™ is also designed to be installed during a family ceremony thanks to our "Easy installation" packaging.

Our "Easy Installation" packaging is also available at your funeral home, an authorized retailer of TRADITIUM™ products.

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The next generation of funeral services

Columbrium transport

Support plaque for floral cushion

Support plaque for the urn

Handles for bearers

Locks for the urn support plate

Adjustable straps for the columbarium

The professional approach

Whereas a conventional burial involves the transportation of a coffin and the remains to the cemetery for the burial ceremony, the carrier, on the other hand, is the tool used to transport the columbarium and the urn at the cemetery in preparation for the ceremony.

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